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Family-Owned Business

Protect your company with a small business lawyer.

We know running a small, family-owned business is a big responsibility. We can help with succession planning, paperwork, and debt strategy so you can focus on leading your company.
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Here’s what you can expect from our small business law services.

First, you’ll schedule a free phone consultation with an attorney. Once we’ve discussed your situation, we’ll meet with you to develop a plan of action to address your family business needs.

Learn how we can help you prepare your business for the future.

What happens to my business after I die?

If you don’t have a will or estate plan, then your business will pass through probate like all of your other assets. Your business could be liquidated, the assets sold off, and the proceeds distributed to your beneficiaries.

You can avoid this by creating a will or by building protections into your business’s operating agreement, where it will be determined by contract.

Can I ensure that all of my heirs benefit from the business?

Yes. When you work with us, we'll use legal tools to help you create a business entity that best serves your needs and ensures the family business benefits your entire family.

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Ready to talk about your small business’s
legal needs?